Read educational quotes by famous writers, philosophers, political leaders, and scientists throughout history.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Music Education - Learn How to Read Music
People enjoy music in their community, some as audience members and some as participants as well. Learning how to read music for the first time or as a refresher will open horizons that transcend other forms of communication.Written music is a language of the world. Whatever one's life has been, acquiring or refreshing basic music reading skills will enhance the enjoyment and success in this artistic endeavor. Some people have no formal musical background, or haven't picked up their instruments or sung since grade school. Now is a great time to learn or relearn the basics. Anything that you learn or refresh from years ago is a gain. Gracefully accept age related limitations while learning to innovate, and you'll be enlarging your musical world.
Reading music starts with being able to see what is in front of you. Make sure that you have plenty of light, that you can easily see what is written on the instructional music page in front of you and that you are comfortable physically. If you can't see the music, try a larger print version of a beginning music instruction book. Reading glasses might also help. The piano or keyboard is a good instrument on which to base your initial music reading skill application. Pianos are widely available in community settings. Because the keyboard is a percussion instrument, a beginner can practice music reading skills and immediately hear the translation of what they are seeing on paper. Even if you plan to sing rather than play an instrument, being able to find your first note and hear it on the piano is hugely gratifying.
The first thing to learn about the keyboard is the location of middle C. A regular sized piano has 88 keys, 52 white keys and 36 black keys. Count only the white keys from the left or lower tones. The 24th one is middle C. It may be helpful to mark it with placement of a penny or sticky note with the letter C written on it. Another way to locate this note is to find the middle area of keys. Middle C is the white key just left of the group of two black keys. Confirm the placement of middle C by both methods.
Now look at middle C written on music paper. For now we will only consider notes starting at middle C and going to the right or higher in tone. Middle C is denoted below the five lines landing on what would be the next horizontal line which horizontally bisects the written note.
Now gently strike the note you marked previously as middle C. Learn the notation shown above and practice finding it on the piano. Listen to the tone. Practice finding middle C without the penny or written clue. Repeat looking at the Middle C on the music paper and finding it on the piano keyboard. Practice this 7 to 10 times over a week, for no more than 30 minutes per day. Congratulations on reading your first musical note!
How To Read Forex Quotes
1.Currency prices
Factors such as economic and political conditions deeply affect currency prices. Political stability, inflation, and interest rates are all factored into the price of any currency. The price of currency can be controlled by governments who flood the market or buy extensively.
2. Volume of FOREX
No force can have dominate the market due to the volume of Forex.Market forces will prevail in the long run, making FOREX one of the most open and fair investment opportunities available.
3. World Currency
Each world currency is given a three letter code which is used in FOREX quotes. The most common currencies are USD (US dollars), EUR (European euros), GBP (United Kingdom pounds), AUD (Australian dollars), JPY (Japanese yen), CHF (Swiss francs) and CAD (Canadian dollars).
4. Foreign exchange prices
Forex quotes can be used to determine prices of foreign exchange. The first currency is the 'base' and the second is the 'quote' currency. In this example: USD/EUR = 0.8419 the currency pair is US dollars and European euros. The base currency (USD) is always at '1' and the quote currency shows how much it costs to buy one unit of the base currency. In this example, 1 US dollar costs 0.8419 euros. Conversely...EUR/USD = 1.1882 ...tells us that it costs 1.1882 US dollars to buy 1 euro. When the price of the quote currency goes up it indicates that the base currency is becoming stronger – one unit of the base currency will buy more of the quote currency. The base currency is made weaker when the quote currency is weak.
5.Central banks
National central banks play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. They try to control the money supply, inflation, and/or interest rates and often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies. They can use their often substantial foreign exchange reserves, to stabilize the market. Milton Friedman argued that the best stabilization strategy would be for central banks to buy when the exchange rate is too low, and to sell when the rate is too high - that is, to trade for a profit. Nevertheless, central banks do not go bankrupt if they make large losses, like other traders would, and there is no convincing evidence that they do make a profit trading.
The mere expectation or rumor of central bank intervention might be enough to stabilize a currency, but aggressive intervention might be used several times each year in countries with a dirty float currency regime. Central banks do not always achieve their objectives, however. The combined resources of the market can easily overwhelm any central bank. Several scenarios of this nature were seen in the 1992-93 ERM collapse, and in more recent times in South East Asia.
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